Welcome to Digi Vahan Care

There are multiple documents that are essentially required for vehicles before coming on the road, Failing to have proper documents lead to a penalty from RTO officials. Customers are expected to explore various options to determine feasible solutions.

In the absence of a direct platform, customers are expected to spend a lot of time and effort to fulfill their requirement. For e.g. To renew DL, the customer has to visit the RTO, submit the documents with the agent and wait for their turn to complete the application.

There is no complete clarity on the status, charges levied (charges extra commissions), closure time, etc., A customer has no option other than to trust the brokers or agents. Lack of standard procedures lead to insufficient clarity and thus results in regular follow-ups.

Why did we choose this?

In this fast moving world, every individual is looking for quick solutions. There is a lot of unhappiness in the overall manual procedures of obtaining RTO related services of Drivers and Vehicles. In our analysis, we have identified some common complications that are associated with Indian RTO services. We intend to provide simplified solutions through our digital approach.

Documentation Requirements

For e.g. Obtaining a driver's license or vehicle registration often involves a lot of documentation. These requirements can be confusing and might vary from state to state.

Complex Processes

RTO services in India can be bureaucratic and time-consuming. Long wait times, queues, and multiple visits to the RTO office are not uncommon.

Lack of Transparency

The lack of transparent information regarding procedures, fees, and required documents can make the process challenging. Often, applicants might not be aware of the exact steps to follow.

Complex Online Services

While some RTOs have introduced online services, the online platforms might not always be user-friendly or reliable. Technical glitches and confusing interfaces can add to the frustration.

Different State Regulations

Each state in India might have slightly different regulations and processes for driver's licenses, vehicle registrations, and other services. This can be confusing for people who move from one state to another.

Delays in Processing

Delays in processing applications can be frustrating, particularly if the applicant needs a license or registration urgently.

Language Barriers

RTO processes often involve paperwork in regional languages, and this can be a challenge for individuals who are not fluent in those languages.

Digital Platform:

A one-stop app and website platform that offers solutions for all RTO tasks and services.

Door Step Solutions:

Door step service thus saving the time and efforts of the customers.

Status Tracking:

Provide detailed transparency on service status, charges, closures etc., thus reducing the need for follow-ups.

Customer Support:

We love to hear from you. Our team will be available to listen to your complaints and feedback throughout.